Frequently Asked Questions

How to edit a course in Moodle

In the top right corner of the screen, click the "Turn editing on" button.

turn editing on link

Add new Activities and Resources.

add new activities or resources

These are drop-down menus that reveal the modules that can be add to the course. Click on the menu and then choose the module to add to the course.

If the Activity chooser is enabled, select the "Add an activity or resource" icon. Click here to see how to add an activity or resource using the Activity chooser.

Edit course Activities and Resources by using the icons that appear to the right of the module.


Each icon performs different functions.  Hover over the icons to learn what it does.  Click on them to perform the task.

*The left/right arrows will indent the module within the course list either right or left.

*The crosshair to the left of the title will move the module to another location in the course.

*The editing pen and paper icon will open the settings page for the module.

*The red X icon will delete the module.

*The eye icon will "hide" or "unhide" the module from student view.

*The two people icon allows roles to be assigned.

In addition Add a block menu is available to add new blocks to a course.

Add a block menu

Select the block to be added from the drop down menu.

 Last updated Mon, Jun 8 2015 8:00pm

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