Frequently Asked Questions

How to add a Calendar event in Moodle

The Calendar displays four types of events, Global, Course, Group, and User. Activities in a course that have a due date associated with them will auto populate a Course Calendar event on the specified due date. Students may add User events to their personal Moodle calendars. A user event is a private event and only the user that created the event can see it.

Locate the Calendar block and click the month link.

calendar block

This will open the Calendar in the main area of the page.

Click the button "New event."

new event button

Add a Name for the event.

new event settings

Tip: Try to avoid generic names. Be specific.

Add a helpful Description.

new event description

This can be a helpful reminder for crucial information.

Choose the date/time, duration and repeat settings. Click the "Save changes" button to save.

new event settings

1. Enter the date and time of the event.

2. Select the duration or without duration, until specified date, or in minutes.

3. Specify if you want the even to repeat and for how many weeks.

4. Click "Save changes" to save the event.

The event has been added to the Calendar.

event details

Remember that this is a user event. It is not visible to other members of the class.

The entry is visible in the daily view, the weekly view and the monthly view of the Calendar.

event popup in calendar block

Hover over a date with an event a preview window will appear showing the event name, which links to the event.

Edit or delete an entry.

edit and delete icons

Click here to learn how.

Click the "Export calendar" button to Export the Calendar.

export calendar button

Note: Windows users click on the "Export calendar" button. Mac users click on the "iCal" button.

 Last updated Mon, Jun 8 2015 8:00pm

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