Frequently Asked Questions

How to add a URL Resource in Moodle

The URL resource allows teachers to create a link  inside the course to direct students  to a website or an external file.

Follow the steps below to create a link:

"Turn editing on."

Select a topic and click "Add an activity or resource" to open the Activity chooser.

add an activity or resource button

Click here to learn how to add an Activity in Folder View.

Select "URL" and click the "Add" button.

add url using the activity chooser

If the Activity chooser is off, click the "Add a resource" drop-down menu and select "URL."

add a resource drop down menu

Complete General settings.

general resource settings

1. Add a name for the URL.

2. Write a Description.

3. Check box to "Display description on course page."

Enter the URL

content settings enter URL

Optionally, click the "Choose a link” button to create a link to a file in a external repository.

choose a link button to add url

Define URL Options.

options settings for the url resource

1. Define Display:

    * Automatic - The best display option for the URL is selected automatically.

     * Embed - The URL is displayed within the page below the navigation bar together with the URL description and any blocks.

     * Open - Only the URL is displayed in the browser window.

     * In pop-up - The URL is displayed in a new browser window without menus or an address bar.

2. If "In pop-up" is selected, determine the dimensions of the new window  .

3.  Check boxes to display URL name and description

Optionally, choose Parameters to pass with the link.

parameter settings

Sometimes a destination site will want data passed with the link.  This feature allows for the creation of a parameter string using custom fields and real user/course data.

Select Outcomes to associate to this content

select outcomes button

Click here to learn how

Define Common module & Restrict access settings.

common module and restrict access settings

1. Select Common module settings. Click here to learn how.

2. Determine Restrict access conditions. Click here to learn how.

Select Activity completion settings.

activity completion settings

 If enabled, Activity completion is tracked, either manually or automatically, based on certain conditions. Multiple conditions may be set if desired and the activity will only be considered complete when ALL conditions are met.

1. Select Completion tracking method.

2. Select date when the Activity is expected to be completed. The date is not shown to students and is only displayed in the Activity completion report. Click here to learn how to view  the Activity completion report.

Click "Save and display"

save and display button

 Last updated Mon, Jun 8 2015 8:00pm

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