Frequently Asked Questions

How to set my Calendar preferences in Moodle.

How to set my Calendar preferences in Moodle.

The Calendar displays four types of events, Global, Course, Group, and User. Activities in a course that have a due date associated with them will auto populate a Course Calendar event on the specified due date. Users can add events to their personal Calendar which will only be visible to them. Preferences for first day of the week, number of events to display, and remember filter settings are available to be customized by the individual user. Customize the Calendar by following the steps below.

Locate the Calendar block and click the month link.

calendar block

Note: The calendar block can also be accessed by going to the Upcoming Events block and clicking "Go to calendar...."

Click on the "Preferences..." button.

preferences button

Calendar preferences will appear.

Determine Preference settings, then click "Save changes."

preference settings

1. Time display format will show times in 12 or 24 hour format. If left at Default the format will be automatically chosen according to the language used in the site.

2. Calendar weeks will be shown starting with the day select here.

3. This sets the maximum number of upcoming events that can be displayed.

4. This sets the (maximum) number of days in the future that an event has to start in in order to be displayed as an upcoming event.

5. If this is enabled, then Moodle will remember the last event filter settings and automatically restore them each time a user logs in.

Note: While it is permissible to simply accept default values, a user must select "Yes" for "Remember filter settings" (number five in the image above) to enable Moodle to keep the filter settings for the user every time they log in. It is possible to return to this page and edit these settings at any time, of course.

 Last updated Mon, Jun 8 2015 8:00pm

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